Ref. Code :
Resource Code : CMS-008-211
Bishop Mar Chandy Parambil -1687
Bp. Gregory Karotemprel CMIArticle published in
Journal of St. Thomas Christians

Mar Chandy Parambil of Kuravilangad is the first native of Malabar to become bishop of the St. Thomas Christians. We do not have much information about his early life. Mar Chandy belonged to the Parambil family at Kuravilangad. One Kuriakose Parambil married into Kudukkassery family. The son born to the couple later became the bishop Chandy. He was born in Muttuchira. As a priest, he was the Vicar of Kuravilangad parish. Mar Chandy died in 1687 and was buried at Kuravilangad. It is believed St. Thomas ordained bishops and priests for the communities he established in India. But we do not have any historical record regarding the immediate successor of St. Thomas who ruled us. From 4th century bishops from Persian Church came and ruled us. ....... More